I hesitated to review
Millennium Trilogy until
I saw the first two Swedish Films based on the first two
novels. I am now half way into the third novel and like the
others it is a page turner that will keep you from falling
asleep reading.

The films "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and "The Girl who Played with Fire" were very good interpretations of the novels. Small side stories and characters were by necessity left out but did not detract from the movies. Some idiot said that he would wait for the "real thing" from Hollywood.
IMO a Swedish interpretation of a Swedish novel has to far outweigh anything that Hollywood could do. BUT I have to admit that I will probably go see them because I am a fan of both the books and the films.
While not claiming that either the novels or the films are
great art, if you like mysteries with good characters you
can't miss with the Millennium Trilogy.
Search Stieg Larsson in Wikepedia for interesting
information about this unusual author and his books.