Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

To Mexico

Entering Mexico through the turn style leads you to a different world view. Pedestrians trickle through. However the auto line is long. Nearly all cars are from Sonora, Mexico.

On a Sunday, Mexican families gather for fun and food.

For the Gringo, items for sale and photo opportunities are plenty.

However many shops are closed up.

Evidence of poverty remains.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Interesting things in Tubac

Took the grandsons Nick and Collin to Tubac.
Always interesting things to look at.
Good food at Shelbys.
And a photo op at The Long Horn.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saguaro National Monument

Tucson has two Saguaro "sah-WAH-row" National Monuments. One on the east and one on the west side of the town.

This is the one on the east with a roller
coaster ride that I remember doing once on bicycle.

The one way road goes for 8 miles through areas of all types of cactus. But the statley Saguaro, the blossom of which is the Arizona state flower, is why people visit here.

I will have to revisit in June when the Saguaro blossoms are at their finest. About a month or two later the bright red fruit are ready for harvest. No longer harvested by the indigenous people, it is ready fruit for the birds.

Saguaro skeletons stand tall.
Wild flowers cover the desert floor.

Havalinas find shady areas next to the visitor center to rest during the day.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Annual Visit to Mt. Lemmon

We took our once a summer trip to the top of Mt. Lemmon in the Catalinas.

One needs a reason to take the drive up the 'switch back' up to the clouds over the top.

This year it was to take the grandsons to experience this Sky Island.

We stopped at the overlooks, with one eye on the rain cloud over our destination.

Beyond the pine forests is the ski area and the Iron Door restaurant.

Clouds, pines, wildflowers and winding roads.
Temp 64 degrees at the top, 93 in the valley below.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Az.Buddy's front yard

It doesn't need mowing in the summer. Or shoveling in the winter. Lots of places for the bunnies to hide from Buddy the Border Collie. Lots of color too.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Stieg Larsson - IMO

I hesitated to review Millennium Trilogy until
I saw the first two Swedish Films based on the first two
novels. I am now half way into the third novel and like the
others it is a page turner that will keep you from falling
asleep reading.

The films "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and "The Girl who Played with Fire" were very good interpretations of the novels. Small side stories and characters were by necessity left out but did not detract from the movies. Some idiot said that he would wait for the "real thing" from Hollywood.
IMO a Swedish interpretation of a Swedish novel has to far outweigh anything that Hollywood could do. BUT I have to admit that I will probably go see them because I am a fan of both the books and the films.

While not claiming that either the novels or the films are
great art, if you like mysteries with good characters you
can't miss with the Millennium Trilogy.

Search Stieg Larsson in Wikepedia for interesting
information about this unusual author and his books.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Simply Clouds

The desert provides spectacular visions of clouds.

None more so than in the season of the monsoon.
Whether it is from your back yard, or high in the foothills of the Santa Ritas, the open desert provides long vistas of clouds.

Clouds vary in countless ways.
Direction and position of the sun.
Are they from the east, the west, the north,
the south?

I love the sea but find the waves predictable.
Not so the clouds of the desert.

Monday, August 16, 2010

August Wild Flowers

The hills, the canyons and roadsides are green with spots of color.
Reds, pinks, yellow, white and blue.
If I could tell you their names. You would forget.
Looking up wild flower names is a real challenge.

So I will do my best.

Red Bouvardia

Prickly poppy. Looks like a sunny side
up fried egg.

Table mushroom
Purple mat
Desert Poppy

Can't find anything like
this pink flower that is abundant
along the road to Madera Canyon.
Blossom looks like pink pussy willow.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Madera Canyon

August is a great time of year to visit Madera Canyon. Everything is green. The foothills, the mountain side and the valley floor. Buddy loves to get wet in the running water and tries to eat the grass. Birds are abundant since the young have fledged. Wild flowers provide color contrast. Check the blog in a day or two for our August wild flowers.