Monday, October 22, 2012

La Posada Casita

Here is hoping that this will be the last home of Maggie, Ralph and Buddy.
We now have sunsets. Long walks along the Santa Cruz River.
Views of the Santa Rita Mountains
All we need in our post retirement home.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Six reasons I go to Mexico to the Dentist

#1 Of course it starts with the much lower fee structure.
#2 I learned they don't tell you you need procedures that you don't need.
#3 I met and liked Dr. T. periodontist for cleaning and Dr. Sergio for general dentistry.
#4 Always a pretty ride down. Today lots of Black Eyed Susan (?) flowers along the way.
#5 Nogales, Sonora is always interesting.
#6 Lots of neat restaurants for a late lunch in Tumacocori, Carmen and Tubac on the way home,
Today we enjoyed Wisdom's Cafe.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Major life changes

Just thinking about a move -exhausting. 
The sorting down to what is valuable in your life – emotionally draining. 
The physical labor, even with hired help -challenging to the maximum.

A year from now. The right decision.

But hardly priceless.

Thinking back over a life time
Major life changes
So many took place in the fall of the year

Starting first grade
Missed the kindergarden experience
Does it tell?

Starting many more years of school
High school, nursing school, college

Moving to Green Valley, Arizona
Now moving to La Posada
Last move?
Maybe not

Marriage - 1970
Swedish Hospital School of Nursing 1964