It has been 2 months, one vacation and three down loaded books read and two in the "book" since my eReader and I have been together. It is time to review, evaluate and confess about our relationship.
I do not love my eReader. It is not that it is MY eReader but any eReader.
I bought a Kobo fronm Borders. Why this one? Well B&N Nook was eliminated as a choice because of reviews read. The Kindle from Amazon because I wanted to go to a store and actually meet MY eReader first hand. And the back of it was a lovely quilted lavendar. Price was not bad except I got talked into getting the replacement insurance that came with the protective cover.
Neither of these were needed.
What I don't like about Kobo.
1) It is possessive. It does not want to be shared with anyone. One of the joys of a really good read is to share it with someone else. Kobo will not do that.
2)Sure Kobo is good companion on the airplane. BUT when you want it most, on takeoffs and landings. Its use is a No No. If you try and sneak it, the flight attendant says "I can see the glare".
3)I was naive or mislead or whatever about the cost of downloads. Like iTunes, I thought down loads would be free or $9.00 +/-. NOT the books I want. Sure it came with about 150 FREE books. All classics that I have already read or not interested in. That is why I didn't red them in the first place. Even the $5.00 books wouldn't probably my choice at a bookstore or library. What I wanted was to hear a book review on NPR and go directly to download it to my friend Kobo. These books are either not available Or are the same price or more than at my favorite bookstore COSTCO.
What I DO like about Kobo.
1) Fits into a purse and is a good companion in a Dr's office. But so is small paperback.
2) My Kobo is a very nice bed reading companion.
All in All. An electronic device I could do without.
Buyers Remorse. Not really. But not the best of my purchase of 2010.