Friday, June 19, 2009

Me and my MRI

Why did I have to have an MRI? In about 3% of breast cancers, there will be one in the other breast also.
My friend had two breasts, two cancers, two different cell types and two mastectomies. An MRI will detect this very sad situation.

First photo is the MRI machine. The second is of my fanny and feet sticking out of the machine.

 What is it like? Very closed in. Takes about 30 minutes. I can understand how difficult it would be for claustrophobic folks.
Very noisy! Sounds like a percussion band tuning up. They have you listen to music but you don't hear much over all the thumping, knocking and crashing. I asked what was the physics of all the noise.
MRI is done by using radio waves as the pass through different types of tissue.
Next week I have off and then on the 29th is my surgery. So keep posted. Meanwhile I will post my opinions on other things and what is going on in GV.

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